Happy Acquiescence

As you know, against my wishes, we work all the damn time. I bought a ticket to the Last Summer on Earth tour last spring in an effort to suppress my homicidal urges toward my husband. You may recall that my husband, who loves to work all the damn time, doesn’t favor my sallying forth on my own. He worries.

You’ll also remember that I am not always sweet and understanding. I had invited my husband to accompany me to the concert more than once; he declined more than once. Then it dawned on him that I’d be away over night, after having been out in a crowded venue teeming with potential sociopaths. He began to worry in earnest because I don’t always “pay attention”.

Tuesday, he asked me to do more at work than I had planned to do, which aggravated me.  “You’d better get used to it because I’ll be gone on Sunday and I won’t be back until Monday night so you’ll be on your own at work” I said with a smug little smirk that the most unassuming bystander would’ve wanted to slap right off my face. Suddenly, he wants to go with me…so we can get up at the crack of dawn on Monday and be back for work bright and early.

He knows he’s working me to a frazzle, that I’ve the typed the fingerprints right off my fingers for him, and I’m likely to keel over at any moment from spite and inadequate appreciation. I scheduled a meeting for next week and he told me if I’d reschedule for Saturday, and attend with him, we could go out for lunch afterward…to a place he loves. I may have mentioned, casually, that he chose the restaurant, which prompted him to reply, “They have pie; you like the pie.”

I am the undisputed Queen of Acquiescence. 

About elroyjones

Equal Elroy, searching for the best answer.
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17 Responses to Happy Acquiescence

  1. hanslr says:

    Sorry Elroy. You’re going to have to share the title w/me. Is your husband an “only?”

    • elroyjones says:

      No it’s much worse than that, we’re both the eldest of siblings thus always right. Of course, being of the highly evolved gender, I have honed my diplomatic skills or not as the case may be.

  2. SprinklinThoughts says:

    I’m a guy (and not real swift in some ways) so if I’m doing something wrong and nobody says anything, I keep doing it – not because I want to or don’t care but because I don’t understand.
    But I also don’t like going places – I’m too burned out by work and tend to drain easily when around people, especially crowds. I’m slow, so keeping up with them (they don’t slow down for me) takes a lot of work.

    • elroyjones says:

      My husband is much the same but I’ve spoiled him into thinking it’s okay to be here all the time because most of the time it is. I suppose he’ll continue to be spoiled because I am exceeding fond of him. He is the subject of several blogs where he bears the burden of my perspective. We are both strong willed and we are lucky to have found each other.
      I know that burned out feeling; we are both in a constant state of weariness.

  3. Compromise is good. But don’t get carried away.

  4. Peggy says:

    Have a fabulous time at the concert and a full detailed blog next week would be wholly appreciated. LOVE YOU!

  5. You know how to handle it.

  6. John says:

    At least there’s pie….

  7. gkinnard says:

    Even if you have to use WD-40, a crowbar, and/or a sledgehammer, cram some darn fun into your day—damn it!

    (And save John and me a piece of pie!)

    • elroyjones says:

      Today things changed as they so frequently do and my husband had to attend to a different disaster. Tomorrow there will be lunch and pie, then the show and a nice hotel room- we’ll have fun if it kills us.
      My husband said this afternoon, “I can’t wait to get out of here away from all this shit!” I’d say he’s ready for Somewhere Else, at least for the day!

  8. judithatwood says:

    Acquiescence is the parent, often, of relaxation. But beware: the step-parent is resentment. Sounds like you know how to maintain the balance! 😎

  9. It’s good to be the Queen.

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